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Energy Comments

The Energy Program regularly submits public comments, letters and provides testimony in support of policies and programs that support and advance clean energy and climate health.

6-14-24 Comments on the Iowa Ambient Air 2024 Network Plan
6-7-24 Comments on DNR’s Proposal to Renew the Operating Permit
for MidAmerican Energy Company – George Neal South Plant
5-21-24 Comments in support of the IUB's proposal to rescind the Chapter 30 rules on Clean Energy Verification
5-10-24 Comments on Chapter 107 Unified Development Code (UDC) Text Amendments for Utility-Scale Wind (Linn Co.)
5-3-24 Comments on the Draft NPDES Permit No. 9000101 for Interstate Power & Light Ottumwa Generating Station
4-25-24 Environmental and Community Group Comments on 2023 SIP Call
4-16-24 Direct Testimony of Steven C. Guyer (Alliant Rate Case)
3-26-24 Comments on IUB Competitive Bidding Rules
11-9-23 Joint Letter to IUB on integrated resource planning


Comments in Chapter 107 Unified Development Code (UDC) Text Amendments for Utility-Scale Solar Installations (Linn Co.)
5-3-23 Direct Testimony of Steven C. Guyer on Behalf of Iowa Environmental Council
3-16-23 Comments on Iowa State Implementation Plan for Regional Haze Second Implementation Period (2019-2028)
12-16-22 Environmental Intervenors' Comments on Proposed MidAmerican Settlement
11-21-22 Supplemental Direct and Rebuttal Testimony of Devi Glick RPU-2022-0001
11-21-22 Supplemental Direct Testimony of Chelsea Hotaling RPU-2022-0001
11-21-22 Supplemental Direct and Rebuttal Testimony of Steven Guyer RPU-2022-0001
10-3-22 Objection to MidAmerican Application for Confidential Treatment
9-2-22 Motion to Compel RPU-2022-0001
8-2-21 Comments on Investigation into a Comprehensive Plan for Iowa's Transmission Grid of the Future
4-8-21 Comments on Technical Conference and MidAmerican's Additional Information
3-4-21 Additional Joint Comments on IUB Chapter 26 rules "Rate Cases, Tariffs, and Rate Regulation Election Practice and Procedure
1-21-21 Reply Testimony of David B. Posner EPB-2020-0156
1-21-21 Reply Testimony of Steven C. Guyer EPB-2020-0156

Joint Additional Comments on IUB’s Regulation of Electric Vehicle Charging, chapter 20.20

12-17-20 Testimony of David B. Posner EPB-2020-0156
12-17-20 Testimony of Steven C. Guyer EPB-2020-0156

Joint Comments on IUB’s Regulation of Electric Vehicle Charging, Chapter 27


Joint Comments on IUB’s Regulation of Electric Vehicle Charging, 20.20

9-1-20 Joint Comments on IUB Chapter 26 rules "Rate Cases, Tariffs, and Rate Regulation Election Practice and Procedure"
8-24-20 Joint Comments on IUB's Regulation of Municipal Electric Utilities and Electric Cooperatives
8-14-20 Joint Comments on IUB's Rule Making for Electric Service Rules
7-22-20 Joint comments on EPA's Air Plan Approval; Iowa; Air Quality Implementation Plan - Muscatine Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area and Start-Up, Shutdown, Malfunction SIP Call Withdrawal
7-1-20 Comments on State of Iowa Long-Range Transit Plan
2-4-20 Comments on Rule Making for Ratemaking Principles Proceeding
11-26-19 EIS Comments on Draft Compatibility Determination for the Cardinal-Hickory Creek Project
11-15-19 Rebuttal Testimony of Nathaniel Baer E-22386
10-1-19 Revised Testimony of Nathaniel Baer E-22386
9-10-19 Rebuttal Testimony of Kerri Johannsen
8-1-19 Testimony of Uday Varadarajan
8-1-19 Testimony of Kerri Johannsen
7-10-19 Initial Comments on Rule Making for Electric Service Rules
6-5-19 Initial Post-Workshop Comments on Review of Energy Efficiency Planning and Cost Review Rules
3-25-19 Reply Comments on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
3-7-19 Comments on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
3-1-19 Comments on Review of Energy Efficiency Planning and Cost Review Rules
11-9-18 Surrebuttal Testimony of Kerri Johannsen
10-2-18 Rebuttal Testimony of Kerri Johannsen
9-17-18 Comments on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
12-8-17 Reply Comments on Review of Energy Efficiency Planning and Cost Review Rules


Comments on Review of Energy Efficiency Planning and Cost Review Rules


Proposed solar regulations in the Public Review Draft of the City’s zoning update
8-1-17 Testimony of Karl Rabago RPU-2017-0001
8-1-17 Testimony of Graeme Miller RPU-2017-0001
8-1-17 Testimony Paul Chernick RPU-2017-0001


Mid American Energy Reply Comments  DRU-2017-0002
6-1-17 Mid American Energy Initial Comments 



Joint Reply Comments – MidAmerican Renewable Verification DRU-2017-0001

4-28-17 Letter of Support for MVP 7 E-22269
4-27-17 Alliant Emissions Plan & Budget – Direct Testimony of Nathaniel Baer EPB-2016-0150
4-21-17 Joint Comments – MidAmerican Renewable Verification DRU-2017-0001
4-19-17 Coalition Response Comments – Alliant Net Metering Pilot Proposal TF-2016-0321
3-23-17 Joint Comments – Iowa Utilities Board Chapter 35 Rule Revisions Workshop (Energy Efficiency) RMU-2016-0018
2-27-17 Joint Comments – Avoided Costs (Alliant) TF-2016-0290

Joint Comments – Avoided Costs SPU-2017-0003

2-27-17 Joint Comments – Avoided Costs (MidAmerican) TF-2016-0294
2-23-17 Coalition Petition for Rehearing and Motion for Clarification – Alliant Net Metering Pilot Proposal TF-2016-0321
1-17-17 Joint Comments – Iowa Utilities Board Chapter 45 Rulemaking (Interconnection) RMU-2016-0003
1-6-17 Comments – USDA RUS Environmental Impact Statement Scoping for MVP 5

IEC Letter of Support – MVP 5 Study

11-7-16 Joint Reply Comments – Iowa Utilities Board Chapter 45 Rulemaking (Interconnection) RMU-2016-0003

Joint Net-to-Gross Plan Status Report EEP-2012-0001 and EEP-2012-0002

9-30-16 Joint Motion for Approval of Technical Reference Manual EEP-2012-0001 and EEP-2012-0002
9-22-16 Joint Reply Comments – Iowa Utilities Board Chapter 35 Rule Revisions (Energy Efficiency) RMU-2016-0018

Joint Comments – Alliant Energy Avoided Costs TF-2016-0290


Coalition Comments – MidAmerican Net Metering Pilot Proposal TF-2016-0323

9-20-16 Coalition Comments – Alliant Net Metering Pilot Proposal TF-2016-0321

Alliant New Wind Project – Direct Testimony of Tom Wind RPU-2016-0005


Alliant New Wind Project – Direct Testimony of Nathaniel Baer RPU-2016-0005

9-15-16 Joint Comments – MidAmerican Avoided Costs TF-2016-0294
9-7-16 Joint Comments – Iowa Utilities Board Chapter 35 Rule Revisions (Energy Efficiency) RMU-2016-0018
9-6-16 Joint Comments – Iowa Utilities Board Chapter 45 Rulemaking (Interconnection) RMU-2016-0003
9-2-16 Joint Reply Comments – Iowa Utilities Board Chapter 15 Rule Revisions (Distributed Generation) RMU-2016-0006

Joint Comments – Iowa Utilities Board Chapter 15 Rule Revisions RMU-2016-0006

7-11-16 Letter of Support for MVP 4 E-22116 et al
6-21-16 Wind XI Direct Testimony - Iowa Environmental Council Energy Program Director Nathaniel Baer DOCKET NO. RPU-2016-0001
6-21-16 Wind XI Direct Testimony - Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie DOCKET NO. RPU-2016-0001 
6-21-16 Wind XI Direct Testimony - Thomas A. Wind, Wind Utility Consulting DOCKET NO. RPU-2016-0001
4-20-16 Coalition Response to Utility DG Pilot Proposals NOI-2014-0001
1-21-16 Public Comments Regarding the Clean Power Plan – IEC (EPA-HA-OAR-2015-0199)
1-4-16 Petition to Intervene and Comments on Interconnection Waiver – IEC and ELPC (WRU-2015-0038-0156)

Letter in Support of Clean Line Motion to Establish Procedural Schedule – IEC (E-22123, etc.)


Review of Cogeneration and Small Power Production Rules Reply Comments RMU-2016-0006


Interstate Power and Response Light Company Response TF-2016-0290

12-1-15 Joint Public Reply Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Interconnection Rules – IEC, ELPC, IREC (NOI-2014-0001)
11-23-15 Joint Public Additional Comments Regarding Wind and Renewable Energy Tax Credits – IEC, ELPC, ISETA, Winneshiek Energy District (NOI-2015-0001)
11-6-15 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Interconnection Rules - IEC, ELPC, IREC (NOI-2014-0001)
11-6-15 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Interconnection Rules - IEC, ELPC, IPL, MEC (NOI-2014-0001)     
9-25-15 Joint Public Comments Regarding Wind and Renewable Energy Tax Credits - IEC, ELPC, ISETA, Winneshiek Energy District (NOI-2015-0001) - September comments      
8-04-15 Petition to Intervene and Objection to Pella Cooperative Electric Tariff for Self-Generating Customers - IEC, ELPC, Iowa IPL, ISETA, SEIA, Vote Solar, Bryce Engers, Mike Lubberden (TF-2015-0305)      
7-29-15 Petition to Intervene and Motion to Dismiss Alliant Policy for Net Metering for Third-Party Purchase Agreements - IEC, ELPC, Iowa IPL, ISETA, SEIA, Winnisheik Energy District (FCU-2015-0009)     
7-15-15  Joint Public Comments Regarding June 15 Comments Pertaining to Distributed Energy - IEC, ELPC, ISETA, SEIA, Sierra Club, Vote Solar (NOI-2014-0001) - Round 8     
6-09-15 Testimony Supporting and Expanding on Aspects of Wind X Proposal - Baer - IEC, ELPC (RPU-2015-0002)            
6-15-15 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Distributed Energy - IEC, ELPC, ISETA, SEIA, Sierra Club, Vote Solar (NOI-2014-0001) - Round 7     
4-07-15 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Interconnection Rules - IEC, ELPC, IREC (NOI-2014-0001) - Round 6     
4-07-15 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Interconnection Rules - IEC, ELPC, IPL, MEC (NOI-2014-0001) - April comments    
2-16-15 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Interconnection Rules - IEC, ELPC, IREC,  (NOI-2014-0001) - Round 5    
12-22-14 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Distributed Energy - IEC, ELPC (NOI-2014-0001) - Round 4     
12-01-14 Comments Supporting Proposed Clean Power Plan - IEC (EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602)    
10-24-14 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Distributed Energy - IEC, ELPC, ISETA, SEIA, Sierra Club, Vote Solar  (NOI-2014-0001) - Round 3     
6-24-14 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Distributed Energy - IEC, ELPC, IREC, ISETA, SEIA, Sierra Club, Vote Solar  (NOI-2014-0001) - Round 2     
2-26-14 Joint Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to Distributed Energy - IEC, ELPC, IREC, ISETA, SEIA, Sierra Club, Vote Solar  (NOI-2014-0001) - Initial Comments      
9-10-13 Testimony Conveying Concerns Regarding MidAmerican Proposed Treatment of LED Street Lights - Baer - IEC, ELPC (RPU-2013-0004)      
9-10-13 Testimony Regarding MidAmerican Standby Rates - Miller - IEC, ELPC (RPU-2013-0004)